The Farm of All Trades

Seeking to create Beautiful, Abundant landscape, pleasing works of Art and to live creative lives

The Farm Of All Trades is another name we go by. We feel it is a little more Comprehensive than DeWall’s Forge. There is a lot more going on with our homestead than just forging. We enjoy diving into many different trades, and we happen to live on a small farm. We offer some fresh vegetables and occasionally baked goods through the summer. Year round we have a rabbitry and keep egg laying chickens. We seek to mimic the patterns of nature with our farming systems. We are learning from the pioneers before us, and developing our own infrastructure to fuel a system of regenerative agriculture that both sustains life and heals the land.


We raise a mix of New Zealand Cross and Rex/ Rex crossed rabbits on our farm. In the summer they are pastured in our fields and enjoy a healthy life of grazing, exercise, and fresh greens. In the winter they are kept in a hoop house and are suspended above chickens and deep bedding in order to keep everything sanitary. Their leavings mix with the chickens’ leavings in the bedding and form a rough compost that then goes on to feed our gardens. We consistently breed our rabbits and often have young bunnies for sale.

Egg Layers

We keep a flock of chickens around to provide farm fresh eggs. In the warmer months, they get to enjoy the outdoors where they can scratch through grass and find bugs and forage to eat. In the winter, they live underneath our rabbits and work as our Compost mixers. As we add carbon to the cycle in the form of wood chips, they turn it all over which keeps the smell to a minimum and keeps everything much more sanitary. As a bonus they are fun to watch as they go to work scratching, picking, and clucking.

Pictures of our little farm during the full swing of things